With Pricescale calculate the price of items quickly, easily and inexpensively.Use Bluetooth wireless scales sensodroid and applying weight to calculate prices.This application does not work alone must be used with wireless bluetooth scales sensodroid. Please DO NOT evaluation does not work or does not work like this app works very well with bluetooth digital scales. For a simple example calculation price use the DEMO button on the main screen.The application was created for the sophisticated calculation of the price for an item using digital scales and mathematical equations. Application Pricescale for calculating the price includes numeric keypad to enter the value-weighted units and to control weight. The display shows the weight value on the scale, the price of the item and the final price for all items lying on weight. This application uses a database items for quick pricing already known items. It can assign a name, price per kg, image and barcode. Barcode reader is also integrated in the application. The application also find statistics items sold clearly shown in the graphs and table. Statistics can be to sort by date.You ask, why was created by the Pricescale to calculate prices for android devices? Compared to conventional scales for pricing offers more speed, clear display and quick recall of items including store value of the item, complete statistics, simple operation, a bar code reader. It is also a very cheap deal compared to conventional weight for calculating the prices, which are valid for both imaging unit membrane keyboard and powerful processor that everything in this application replace a mobile phone or tablet.Where can I use the weight to calculate prices for android? In stores and vegetables fruit, jewelry, purchase of heavy metals and other industries where need to quickly and inexpensively calculate the price of items. Weight price calculation can be used both in industry and in households.The application shows a new concept of digital scales for the 21st century and opens up new horizons in the field of digital scales and weighing equipment.Models of digital scales:KS6001 kitchen scale: 0-6000 gBT6000Y industrial scale: 0 to 6000 gBT30 industrial weight: 0-30 kgBT70Y industrial weight: 0-70 kgBT150Y industrial scale: 0-150 kgBT300 industrial scale: 0-300 kgIndustrial scales can be controlled through the application - Function: TARE / UNIT / ZERO / ON / OFF / CalibrationSensodroid digital scales can be purchased through the online store at Sensodroid at www.sensodroid.com can pay by PayPal. Scales are sent to Worldwide and postage for all kinds of scales is free worldwide.About sensodroid:We develop and manufacture digital scales and barcode readers industrial quality. We develop applications for connection with digital scales and barcode readers.